Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Questions 11/29/11

1. The legislative branch: they collect taxes, coin money, and regulate trade. They can also declare war. It also makes all laws needed to fulfill the functions givin to it as stated in the constitution.
The executive branch: headed by the president, caries outthe nations laws and policies. The president also conduct relations with foreign countries.
The judicial branch: the supream court. They hear court cases, laws passed by congress, and disputes between states.

2. Both the house and the senate must pass a bill for it to become a law. The president can chech congress by vetoing, or rejecting, the bill. How ever, congress can then check the president by overriding, or voting down, the veto. To override a veto, two-thirds of the members of both houses of congress must vote for the bill.

3. The number of representatives are determined by the population of the state and the two people from each state were in the Senate. The other compromise was to count each enslaved person as three-fifths of a free person for both taxation and representation.

4.John Jay, James Madison, and Alexander Hamilton.

5. The bill of right made sure one branch of government didn't abuse their power, some states demanded one because they didn't want the central government to become so powerful that it was like having another king

6. The main argument was that the new constitution would take away the American people's liberties. also that the central government would become so powerful that they would forget about the states and the people and favor the richer people over a common person. So basically the anti-federalists thought that the new constitution would give the central government to much power.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


1.) The Articles of Confederation, was an agreement among the 13 founding states that legally established the United States of America as a confederation of sovereign states and served as its first constitution. It gave the government power over war, foreign policy and the states.

2.) The British either won or lost. If they won it would mean that they would have to spend a lot of money on the war and then keep the colonies under control. if they lost they would not have lost much except their pride.

3.) He was a great field commander and had good skills. even though he lost 6 of his 9 battles. He had also done a good job with the french and Indian war.

4.) First, outright independence of the united states and to withdraw all British forces. Second, Canada to remain British and a definitive boundary to be drawn. Third, agreement on the boundaries of all thirteen states. Fourth, freedom for there finishing of Newfoundland - the first international fisheries agreement.

5.) Because both sides needed people to help fight the war for them.

6.) The French for sure because they funded the Americans to get back at the British and then when the Americans won the french got nothing but were in debt. another is the Indians because when they sided with the British and lost, they lost a lot of their population and now the Americans are going to have a grudge against the Indians. Some of the other losers were the loyalists in America, they got tormented and sometimes killed, most of them moved but if they didn't they were living where everyone hated them.

7.) Either they moved or they were tormented by the Americans.

8.) The Battle of Bunker Hill - "Don't one of you fire until you see the whites of their eyes." that was the battle the should have been an instant British victory because the Americans had less troops and almost no ammo but it took three charges by the British to Finlay have the Americans surrender. Lexington & Concord -  this was the first battle, it was set up by the British to destroy or capture the Americans ammo and gun supply and to arrest Sam Adams and John Hancock. Trenton - the battle happened on Christmas when Washington with a small group of troops attacked the British in a surprise attack and won. Yorktown - One of the last battles in the war where the British surrendered.

9.) they had a reason to fight, they had George Washington, they had some of the greatest minds of the time, they were on their home turf, and they had more allies.

10.) because if they won they had spent a lot of money and they would still have to keep the Americans under control and if they lost the only thing they would lose is pride.


Thursday, November 10, 2011

battles to know

Lexington and concord
bunker hill
battle of long island
fort stanwix
kings mountain
guilford courthouse
siege of charlstown