Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Battle in the war of 1812

1. Fort McHenry, is a fort that successfully defended baltimore harbor from an attack by the british navy. During the bombardment of the fort, Francis Key was inspired to write "The star-spangled banner" the poem that would eventually become the national anthem.

2. The Burning of D.C. was a battle in the War of 1812 between the Britain and the US. On August 24, 1814, a British force occupied D.C. and set fire to public buildings following the American defeat at the battle of Bladensburg. The White House and US capitol were destroyed. This has been the only time since the Revolutionary war that a foreign power has captured and occupied the United States capital.

3. ThBattle of Plattsburgh, also known as the Battle of Lake Champlain, ended invasion in northern states. The British and Americans met on the lakeside town of Plattsburgh. The battle started on September 11, 1814. The British were defeated after a hard fight. The survivors retreated to Canada, stating that even if Plattsburgh was captured, it could not be supplied without control of the lake.

4. The Battle of New Orleans took place on January 8, 1815 and was the final battle of the War. American army's defeated an invading British army that wanted to take New Orleans and the land the United States acquired with the Louisiana Purchase. The Treaty of Ghent had been signed on December 24, 1814 and passed by the United States Senate on February 16, 1815.

5. The Battle of the Thames, was an American victory in the War of 1812. It took place on October 5, 1813, near present-day Ontario. It resulted in the death of the Shawnee chief Tecumseh, and the destruction of the Native American coalition which he led. This was because when the battle began the canadians ran away leaving the natives to fight alone.
              The Battle of Horseshoe Bend on March 27, 1814, United States army and allies under General Andrew Jackson defeated the Red Sticks, a part of the Creek Indian tribe who opposed America, effectively ending the Creek War.


1. It means that without suffering and rebellion nothing could be accomplished. Jefferson supported people who wanted to change some laws they thought were wrong. I don't think he thought it would turn into another war. 

2. Massachusetts passed a state constitution that barred middle-class and poor people from voting or holding office

3. There were three main debated topics that are usually considered the main compromises of the constitution. One, the position of President/Executive Branch. (This was between the federalists who wanted a strong central government & the anti-federalists who wanted a strong state government) Two slavery. It was only still allowed because of the insistence of the Southern colonies because on their economies. (and slavery couldn’t be presented in a negative way) lastly three, congress would have two main parts, the House of Representatives and the Senate. It was decided that the House of Reps would be based on the number of people in the state and the Senate positions would be two per state regardless of population

4. A plan for the structure of the new government for America. The key points were that there was a 2 part legislature, an executive chosen by the legislature, and a judiciary chosen by the legislature. 

5. Slavery

6. The Executive Branch, Judicial Branch, and Legislative Branch all make sure that the other does not gain to much power. 

7. John Jay, Alexander Hamilton, & James Madison were the writers. They were a series of essays that attempted to convince the public that a strong federal government was the right choice.

8. 1st Amendment – separation of church and state, freedom to worship, freedom of speech and press, right to assemble and petition for changes
2nd Amendment – right to bear arms
3rd Amendment – soldiers cannot be housed in a private home without consent from owner
4th Amendment – right to be free from unreasonable seizure and search
5th Amendment – laws about prosecuting including jury rights/duties
6th Amendment – right to a speedy public trial in district where crime was committed
7th Amendment – guarantees trial by jury
8th Amendment – Prohibits cruel and unusual punishment
9th Amendment – defines the rule of the construction of the Constitution
10th Amendment – guarantees any powers not specifically delegated to federal gov. or to the states rests w/ the people and states(depending on situation)

9. White, land-owning men, over the age of 21

10. James Madison and Thomas Jefferson would agree to Hamilton’s plan to get America out of debt, if he would allow the new capital of the country to be in a Southern State.

11. It had British withdraw soldiers from last outposts in US

12. farmers on the frontier of Western Pennsylvania protested against the heavy taxes on whiskey. 

13. Two republicans & anti-federalists, Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr tied in votes. The House of Reps, still under Federalist control, would decide who became President. It was resolved when Jefferson personally, and rather sneakily, assured the Representatives that he would uphold many of the pro-Fed ideas, laws, and recommendations

14. Adam’s Secretary of State, and the US Supreme Court Chief Justice starting at 1801.  

15. They were short on money. They were under Napoleon Bonaparte’s control and he was at war with other European countries but still wanted a piece of the New World.  

16. They were sent by Jefferson to accomplish a number of things: extend commerce (trade with Natives), get America into the fur trade, feel out political and military uses of the West, and collect scientific info about the land.

½ of the journey: Lewis & Clark set out in the winter of 1803 and traveled Northward up rivers in boats, next they traveled Westward until they reached the Rockies in present day Montana where they wintered, finally they crossed with the famous Sacagawea and reached the Oregon coast. The second ½ of the journey: they turn around on the coast of modern day Oregon and began their journey home over land, they crossed the Rockies and split up to explore alternative routes, then they met up again and ended their journey back in St. Louis on Sep 23, 1806

17. Hamilton used his influence to become Governor of New York, defeating Aaron Burr. I think his actions were ok. Anything goes when you want something, and he didn’t specifically cheat by talking to people. It ended with Burr challenging Hamilton to a duel; during which Burr shot and fatally wounded Hamilton

18. The Embargo Act prohibited all exports into America. The idea was to halt any economic benefit for Britain, as a result there was a lot more impressments of soldiers aboard ships the British were trying to get more people in their military. Jefferson wanted to keep America out of the European Wars that were going on.

19. He attempted to create a barrier on the Ohio River so that the US would stay East of the Ohio, and no further expansion would occur

20. General William Harrison and his men were sent to watch Native movement. Tenskwata, Tecumseh’s brother, led an attack on his men. It was not successful and although the Natives inflicted heavy damage, Harrison destroyed food stores, their village, and Tenskwata’s claim of magical protection. This battle ended that major Native rebellion/retaliation

21. America did not have experienced Generals and war leaders in charge of the military and wasn’t that effective, on the other hand England wasn’t particularly interested in another war, and were fighting a war with Napoleon. Also, they saw America as a valuable trading partner

22. Americans & British were unaware that peace had been made, British then attacked Americans with a much larger army. However, with General Andrew Jackson in charge and some French help, artillery and sharpshooting are used to destroy the British, who receive massive losses of over 2000 dead. Americans loose less than 20 dead and some wounded

23. That the US would not tolerate intervention in American affairs from Europe, and America would not intervene in European affairs. It was a declaration of a hope for increased isolation for America, it marked the beginning of us meddling in South American affairs.

24. Missouri would be a slave state, but slavery wouldn’t be allowed anywhere north of Missouri’s southern border

25. The election was once again a tie and the house had to decide, Clay held a LOT of power with the House. One candidate, Henry Clay of Kentucky decided to support John Quincy Adams as President, in return Adams elected Clay to be Secretary of State once he won from the House vote. This sort of bargain circumvented the voting which was not right in the eyes of the people

26. Murderer, adulterer, mean

27. No he was not he just wanted land, if there were black, brits, or french in his way he would have killed then to, There just happened to be Indians in the way this time. The Natives called him Long Knife. He fought in the Creek War of 1814, and took land away from the Creek natives by using Cherokee against them. In 1819 he fought in an illegal war in Florida, where he killed a lot of Natives and destroyed many Spanish forts, forcing the Spanish to sell Florida to America. His policy instructed America that they would remove Natives from their current lands and place them elsewhere. Resisting was not an option, or else destruction.

28. almost everything he did were to please the wishes of the middle class people. He was suspicious of the upper classes, he beleived in freedom of economic opportunity, and the ability to rise above your class with hard work.