Wednesday, February 1, 2012


How did the Civil War shape our lives today? - it has been called the cross roads of the American being. because the fight was over something that was so close to the foundation of the country that the outcome would change America as we know it.

Name three ways the Civil War changed the South.  - No more slaves, They were brought back into the country, their was dead, and their farms and houses were destroyed.

What constitutional right did Lincoln suspend?  - 
That you can get arrested for what ever reason and the government does not have to tell you what you are being arrested for. Habeus Corpus

List the four border states. - Missouri, Kentucky, Delaware and Maryland

Why did West Virginia form? - because some did not want to sussed and some did, they were also politically divided. 

What disadvantages did the South face? - they had less people and were out produced

Why did the Confederate States believe they had a right to leave the Union? -  They thought that they had a right to their own property and it would be just like what they did with England. 

What were the three main strategies of the Union? - 
1. capture the Mississippi river. 2.Blockade the southern ports. 3. Capture Richmond Virginia.

What was the average age of soldiers who fought in the Civil War? - 24

What was the outcome of Bull Run? - 
The confederates held their ground and the union retreated.

Discuss the Battle of Shiloh. - 
The Battle of Shiloh, fought April 6–7, 1862, in southwestern Tennessee. Confederate forces launched a surprise attack on Grant. The Confederates achieved considerable success on the first day, but were ultimately defeated on the second day. On the first day of the battle, the Confederates struck with the intention of driving the Union defenders away from the river and into the swamps of Owl Creek. The Confederate battle lines became confused during the fierce fighting, and Grant's men instead fell back to the northeast, in the direction of Pittsburgh Landing. A position on a slightly sunken road, nicknamed the "Hornet's Nest". Reinforcements from Gen. Buell and from Grant's own army arrived in the evening and turned the tide the next morning, when the Union commanders launched a counterattack. The Confederates were forced to retreat.

What were Lincoln’s reasons for the Emancipation Proclamation? - he was trying to make the slaves want to run away and rebel

What did the 13th Amendment do? - it made slave free and officially ended slavery

How was the Civil War a rich man’s war but a poor man’s fight? - because the people who had money could buy their way out of the war

Discuss the draft laws in the north.
 - Each state had a quota to fill and they usually did that by holding a lottery but you could get out of it if you payed $300 or you had a certain disability. 

Discuss the importance of Chancellorsville and Gettysburg. - Chancellorsville the south defeats Joe Hooker but Stone wall Jackson get shot and killed, total southern victory. The battle of Gettysburg was the invasion of the north by Robert E. Lee 70,000 men were lost in a 3 day battle and it was a North victory, it is considered the turning point of the war. July 1st through the 4th.
How did Sherman use “Total War” against the South? - Because the south was not ready to risk everything and use all their resources to win the war. And he also destroyed everything he cam in contact with.

Who were the Presidents of the Confederacy and the United States during the Civil War? - Jefferson Davis and Abraham Lincoln

What, exactly, did the Emancipation Proclamation do? - Freed the slaves in the southern states at first and then freed all slaves in America.

Cost of the war?? - North 6 mill and south 3 mill. for people the north lost 360,000 and the south lost 260,000 so 620,000 out of about 3.3 mill

Battle of Aptomonics courthouse. - April 8 1865 the confederates surrender and lee now has the only army that can do anything. Lee lets their soldiers keep their horses and side arms and he also gives then supplies.