Monday, August 29, 2011

questions on page 73 & 80

Pg. 73 #'s 1-6
1.     Often times when people started to seek new land, they would go to their King or Queen and request a charter. This was to discover new land and build new communities. They would occasionally get funding from a joint-stock company, but it was usually funded by the royal family. Once other communities got settled near one another, they would select burgesses to represent them in meetings between the little towns.

2.     So they could get money from gold, silver, tobacco, and fish

3.     Farming tobacco gave them a lot more money and they became more civil with the natives.

4.     It would expand England’s territory.

5.     The growth of Jamestown
a.     Individual plot ownership
b.     Separation form the Virginia Company

6.     30% were children.

Pg. 80 #'s 1-6
1.     Puritans would persecute the separatists because they had a low tolerance for other religions and faiths. The separatists dissented the beliefs of the Anglicans, so they went aboard the mayflower. They then considered themselves pilgrims, so shortly after they arrived in America the created the mayflower compact to document their laws. 

2.     They wanted to reform a church. There was much religious difficulty in England at the time.

3.     Rhode Island offered religious freedom to all, also the government was not mixed together with religion.

4.     Both were plans on how to run their colonies, they were both important to the future government of America.

5.     Interacting w/ Native Americans
a.     Increased trade
b.     War
c.      Taking power of Native Americans in New England

6.     Furs, Timber, Rum, and possibly fish.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


LOSERS!!!!!! This is who the American historian Howard Zinn set his focus on. He didnt want to be like most historians who told history from the view point of the winners. In the chapter I have read of his book, A People's History Of The United States I have had my opinion changed, which as most of you know is not easy. I always thought that Christopher Columbus was a great explorer who discoverd America. I now realize that he was some one who took advantage of the Indians like most of the English of the time, but he killed of half a population. He did this to get gold to bring back but in his efforts he worked many Indians to death and killed the rest because of something they did or because he felt like it. This has made my opinion change of me thinking he was a great explorer to me thinking he was just an ASS!!

Monday, August 22, 2011

study question chapter 1:

1. People of the north: The Inuit were able to survive in cold climates by making igloos and making warm clothing.
People of the west: The Tlingit, Haida and Chinook were able to live off the forest and were able to preserve salmon by smoking it over fire pits.
People of the southwest: descendants of the Anasazi formed the Hopi, Acoma and Zuni they were mainly farmers but they also made a new way to make houses out of sun dried mud called adobe.
People of the plains: they were nomads, which means that they travelled around constantly and carried around mobile homes called tepees that were tent like structures and they were some of the first people to use horses in warfare.
People of the east and southwest: The Iroquois and Cherokee had men as well as women in position of power where in other tribes women were treated like nothing.

2. I think that there was a lot more types of culture and when Columbus and the English got there a lot of people died and most.

3. The Onondaga, Seneca, Mohawk, Oneida, and Cayuga made them up in the late 1500's to make peace and not wipe each other out.

4. symbols or pictures to represent things, ideas, and sounds. The mayans used them.

5. They built square houses called hogans.

6. Maize (which is only CORN!!!)