Wednesday, August 24, 2011


LOSERS!!!!!! This is who the American historian Howard Zinn set his focus on. He didnt want to be like most historians who told history from the view point of the winners. In the chapter I have read of his book, A People's History Of The United States I have had my opinion changed, which as most of you know is not easy. I always thought that Christopher Columbus was a great explorer who discoverd America. I now realize that he was some one who took advantage of the Indians like most of the English of the time, but he killed of half a population. He did this to get gold to bring back but in his efforts he worked many Indians to death and killed the rest because of something they did or because he felt like it. This has made my opinion change of me thinking he was a great explorer to me thinking he was just an ASS!!

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry K.C. - you'll find new heroes as the class moves on.
