Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Chapter 5 section 2 notes!

  • In 1786 the British officers thought that the colonists were going to rebel so they sent soldiers to be housed in the colonies. this made the colonists angry.
  • In 1770 the colonists went on a RAMPAGE!!!!!!! They attacked the British soldiers with primitive weapons and the Brits didn't know what to do so they ended up firring back and so 5 of the colonists dies. This was called the Boston Massacre.
  • After the Boston Massacre people started boycotting British goods so the British took the taxes off of all goods except tea. the colonist thought this was a great victory
  • The East India Trading Company was almost bankrupt so the British let them ship tea and other goods to the colonies with almost no taxes and they also allowed them to not sell to British merchants and sell directly to the stores, this made their goods a lot cheaper.
  • This made the colonist angry so they boycotted tea as well.
  • They also made all tea ships that came into the harbor turn around and not unload.
  • In 1772 the ships in Boston refused to leave so the colonist dressed up as Indians and threw approximately 350 boxes of tea into the harbor as a protest. 
  • This made the Brits angry so in 1774 they made it so town meetings were not allowed and also that trade ships would not be allowed into Boston until they payed for the tea they destroyed. They also made it so the colonists had to house Red Coats. 

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