Monday, September 19, 2011

Mystic Question

1.) I think the relations ship was good for both sides but better for the English. The indians traded things that were easy for them to get like furs and shells and the English traded things that were easy for them to get like pot and guns but the english took over more and more land and the indians got less and less land so the English got a better deal of the two.

2.) They were the most feared and respected tribe because they were the strongest and had the greatest numbers. They were at war with a few of the other tribes but most of the other tribes knew they could not beat them.

3.) They went there to set up a group of religious colonies for people to live in.

4.) When it came to land owning the Indians thought that they could move from place to place to grow different things and when they came back that the land was still there but the English thought that in order to own land you had to have permanent settlements and live there for more than a few months out of the year. when it came to work and gender the Indian women had a place of power and say so in the tribe and they also did just as much work as the men. in the English colonies the women did almost nothing but had no say so what so ever and the Indians thought the English were babying their women. When it came to war the Indians had rules and ways of doing things like not killing the women and the children but the English would do anything to win.

5.) The dutch just wanted the things that the Indians had and were willing to pay for it but the English wanted the Indians land to colonize and grow and they were willing to get it any way they could.

6.) they were unhappy because the Indians thought that they owned the land because they used it from time to time but the English thought that they only way you could claim the land was if you had permanent settlements on the land so there was a little conflict in the way that the English took over the land.

7.) i think they fought with the English because they wanted to get rid of the strongest Indian tribe and hopefully become the strongest themselves. i was not surprised by this because this was one of the easiest ways to get rid of the Pequot.

8.) Yes i think that the outcome could be different if the English asked if the land was being used or if they could have it, and if they couldn't ask the Indians where another good place was.

9.) A few of the Indians survived the massacre and repopulated the tribe. I think it would feel good to know that you brought back an entire civilization.

10.) it said that the Pequot Indians could have this little bit of land that ended up getting reduced anyway but it kind of took away all their power and culture.

11.) They used both documents written by the English but they also used actual Pequot Indians and what they said. I would use the same sources that they used to write the documentary.

12.) It gave the English more power and land and it also gave power to different Indian tribes in the united states. It made Americas largest and most succecfull casino.

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