Monday, September 19, 2011

questions page 125

8. Women married early and had large families and people lived longer

9. Tidewater plantations were flat low-lying plains along the seacoast. It was a self-contained community, with fields stretched out and surrounding buildings. The backcountry was a region of hills and the Appalachian mountains. They grew corn and tobaccos.

10. It was a religious revival that swept through the colonies. Ministers called for a "New Birth," or a return to the strong faith of earlier days. This lead to the formation of many new churches.

11. The French.

12. In New England the soil was thin and rocky, which made farming very difficult. They subsistence farmed, which only provided enough to support their familes. In the middle colonies the soil was fertile. They produced larger harvest than in New England.  They grew cash crops that could be easily sold in the colonies and overseas.

13. It was a group of Native Americans that remained independent, that traded with the British and the French, by skillfully playing them against each other.

14. To ensure that only England benefited from trade with the colonies

15. It was a movement in england based on the notion that science could move you further.

16. The Continent was divided between great Britain and Spain by the Mississippi river.

17. Because the people who owned shares in land companies, that had already bought land west of the m
ountains, their claims had been ignored by Britain.

1 comment:

  1. Look at your answer to number 11 (it was the Quakers).
